Different Types of Window Glass: Explained

Different types of window glass can have a significant impact on the interior and exterior of a building. It affects the energy efficiency, noise reduction, safety, and aesthetics of a home or business. Understanding the various types of window glass available is essential for making an informed decision when purchasing new windows. Here, we take a look at the different types of window glass and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.

1. Multi-pane glass

Multi-pane glass is made up of two or more thin layers of glass with a space between them, usually filled with an inert gas like argon. This type of window glass is great for energy efficiency and noise reduction because it can reduce heat transfer as well as sound transmission. However, it may be more expensive to install than other types of window glass due to its extra components. For example, when choosing between double vs triple pane windows, the triple pane option will typically be more expensive. If you are looking for an energy-efficient window, however, the multi-pane glass may be worth the extra cost.

2. Single-pane glass

Single-pane glass is the most basic and cost-effective type of window glass. It consists of one layer of glass, with no additional protection. The glass is usually annealed, meaning it has been heated and cooled slowly to increase durability and strength. Single-pane glass is susceptible to temperature changes, making it less energy efficient than other types of window glass. Additionally, single-pane windows tend to be more prone to condensation and noise pollution. Also, single-pane windows do not offer any protection against intruders.

3. Low-E glass

Low-E or low-emissivity glass is a special type of coating applied to window panes. It reduces the amount of infrared light that can pass through, resulting in more efficient insulation and less energy loss. Low-E windows also help reduce fading caused by ultraviolet light, helping to protect furniture, flooring, artwork, and other items from sun damage. This type of glass is often used in areas with extreme temperature changes throughout the year.

4. Laminated glass

Laminated glass is created by sandwiching a sheet of plastic between two layers of glass. It's typically used for safety reasons as it holds together if shattered due to its interlayer construction. Laminated glass is more expensive and heavier than other types, but can help to reduce sound transmission and increase privacy as well.  It’s commonly used in buildings as curved skylights or storefront windows, as well as in residential homes. Its durability makes it an ideal choice for areas exposed to extreme weather or vandalism. Laminated glass also blocks UV rays, providing better protection against the sun’s harsh glare.  

Windows play a major role in the overall look and feel of a home or business, as well as its energy efficiency. Different types of window glass offer different benefits depending on your specific needs. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each type of window glass can help you make an informed decision when selecting new windows.  Whether you opt for single-pane, multi-pane, Low-E, or laminated glass, the right window can make a big difference in your home's comfort and energy efficiency.