Electrical Safety: What To Be Aware Of During Floods?


An electrical hazard is one of the many hazards that occur in a flooding incident. It involves potential exposure to harmful substances and an increased risk of electrocution.

During floods, the possibility of electrical hazards on the streets and the domestic environment is common. This could be because of the submerged and malfunctioning electrical wiring inside the accumulated water and blocked drain.

As a result, many post-flood cleaners and electricians are exposing themselves to the risk of getting seriously injured through electrocution. This is why you need to follow certain safety tips during a flood.

Electrical Safety Tips During Floods

It is important to take extra precautions during floods to ensure electrical flood safety. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Stay away from standing water. Flood water may contain live electrical wires and other hazards.
  • Keep electrical appliances and outlets away from water. If water enters an outlet or appliance, unplug it immediately and do not use it until it has been inspected and dried out by a professional.
  • Avoid using electrical appliances or tools that have been in contact with water. They may be damaged and could cause electrical shock or fire.
  • Use flashlights or battery-powered lanterns instead of candles or oil lamps.
  • Do not use generators or other gas-powered equipment indoors, as they can produce deadly carbon monoxide gas.
  • If you suspect your home or business has sustained flood damage, have it inspected by a qualified electrician before using the electrical system again.
  • If you see a downed power line, stay away from it and call your local power company immediately.
  • Be extra cautious when entering flooded buildings, as the electrical system may be damaged and pose a serious hazard.

It is advised that you search for a skilled and qualified electrician who knows how to deal with electrical wiring during floods.

What Specific Actions Can I Take to Prevent Electric Fires in My Home?

  • Regularly inspect your home's electrical wiring and outlets for any signs of damage or wear, such as frayed wires or loose connections.
  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets by plugging in too many appliances or devices at once.
  • Use power strips and surge protectors to help prevent overloading and protect your electrical devices.
  • Do not use extension cords on a permanent basis, and make sure to use the appropriate type of cord for the job.
  • Keep flammable materials, such as curtains and furniture, away from heat sources and electrical devices.
  • Unplug devices when not in use, especially during storms or when power fluctuations are more likely to occur.
  • Replace any electrical devices that show wear or damage, such as frayed cords or broken plugs.
  • Have a qualified electrician inspect and repair any electrical issues in your home to prevent fire hazards.
  • Install smoke detectors and test them regularly to ensure they are working properly.
  • Have a fire evacuation plan and practice it with your family, so everyone knows what to do in case of a fire.

How to Prepare for Electrical Safety During a Flood

Safety is the first concern after every storm. According to the American Red Cross, Electrocution is the second leading cause of death after the flood.

This is why it's important for people to prepare for electrical safety after a flood.

  • Make sure you have a portable generator or a supply of batteries for flashlights and other emergency equipment in case of power outages.
  • Know the location of your home's circuit breaker and how to turn off the power in case of an emergency.
  • Make sure your home's electrical system is up to code and in good working condition. Have a qualified electrician inspect and repair any issues before a flood.
  • Elevate electrical equipment and appliances, such as your furnace, water heater, and electrical panel, to protect them from floodwater.
  • Install flood alarms, which can alert you to rising water levels and give you time to take action.
  • Keep a supply of sandbags or other flood-proofing materials on hand to help protect your home from water damage.
  • If you live in an area prone to flooding, have a plan in place for how you will safely evacuate your home in case of an emergency.
  • Be aware of weather conditions and the potential for flooding, and take necessary precautions to protect your home and family.
  • Have a list of emergency contacts, including your electricity provider and a qualified electrician, to contact in case of an emergency.

Follow the safety guidelines provided by your local authorities during floods and natural disasters. In addition, you must also prepare yourself with the right resources when your house runs out of power.

Emergency Kit For Electrical Safety During Flood

Here is a list of items that you may want to include in an emergency kit for electrical safety during a flood:

  • Portable Generator And Fuel: This can provide power for essential appliances and equipment during a power outage.
  • Flashlights And Extra Batteries: These can provide light during power outages and can be used to navigate through dark, flooded areas.
  • Battery-Operated Radio: This can provide updates on weather conditions and emergency information during a flood.
  • Waterproof, Portable Phone Charger: This can keep your phone charged and allow you to make emergency calls during a flood.
  • First Aid Kit: This can provide basic medical supplies in case of injury during a flood.
  • Multi-Purpose Tool: This can be used for various tasks such as cutting wires or opening cans.
  • Insulated Electrical Tape: This can be used to repair electrical wiring and equipment that may have been damaged by floodwater.
  • Waterproof Containers: These can be used to store important documents, electronics, and other valuables to protect them from floodwater.
  • Extra Cash: This can be useful in case of power outages that prevent the use of credit cards or ATMs.
  • A list of emergency contacts, including your electricity provider, electrician, and local authorities.
  • A manual can opener and non-perishable food.

It is important to keep the kit in an easily accessible location and to check and update its content regularly.