Simple Roof Repairs That You Can Absolutely DIY

If you are a handy person who wants to save some money on roof repairs, here are some jobs that you can, in theory, do yourself: shingle repair, tile replacement and gutter installation. However, remember that you will need to have the skills, time and knowledge necessary to do a great job. The most important thing is your safety and the well-being of your home, so if you are unsure whether or not to do a roof repair yourself, call in the professionals.

Shingle Repair

There are several signs of damage that indicate you need to repair your shingles. For instance, if your shingles look discolored, if you have missing shingles on the roof or if you see water stains on the ceiling of the house. This indicates a leak in the roof due to a damaged shingle. Moreover, if you spot hail dents in shingles, granules in the gutters or curled or crooked shingles, it is time to repair or replace your shingles.

You can call in the help of an expert roof restoring company to ensure the job is done right. Or, if you have the skills and tools, you can look online for information on how to patch shingles on a roof yourself. If you are going to attempt this job alone, remember to take every safety precaution and do thorough research on how to complete the task safely and effectively.

Tile Replacement

If your roof is made of tiles, you may never have to replace the whole thing. This depends on the age of the roof, the weather conditions and the kind of tile. Concrete tiles often last around 50 years, while clay tiles can last for up to 100 years.

If you do have to replace a tile or several tiles, consider doing the job yourself if you have the skills. Concrete tiles cost between $2 and $4 per square foot, or between $9 and $18 per square foot for professional installation. Meanwhile, clay tiles cost $3 to $7 per square foot for materials or $8 to $25 per square foot for installation.

As you can see, you can save money doing the job yourself, however, you should never risk this if you do not have the knowledge of how to replace tiles safely and effectively.

New Guttering

Finally, you could replace the gutters on your home yourself if you have the time, patience and skills necessary. If you do not know which kind of gutter to get, make sure to acquaint yourself with all materials and styles and choose the one that best suits your home.

This has been a brief look at some roof repair jobs that you can do yourself. Remember, only attempt these jobs if you have the knowledge, skills and safety gear to do them without harming yourself or further damaging the roof. If in doubt, call experts. We have highlighted shingle repair, tile replacement and gutter installation as three things you could potentially DIY. If you are thinking about having a go at any of these jobs, make sure to thoroughly research the process first.