The most ignored area in your home is undoubtedly the draining and plumbing system. No one cares about it until it malfunctions and creates havoc in the house.

Once it goes wrong, our day-to-day work is disrupted, and you can not wash dishes, do the laundry or even use the toilet.

There are some things that we can do to prevent any long-term damage and increase the longevity of our drains, pipes, and other related appliances.

Here are 5 plumbing tips to protect your home’s drains and pipes because it is better to prevent than to repent.

Educate your home members

Educating your family members on the stuff that can and can not be drained is essential. It is one of the major reasons for drains and pipes malfunctioning.

Keep any items away from your drains and pipes that can clog your drainages, such as food items, hair, and even feminine garbage.

Especially in toilets, many people flush large items or even small items in huge numbers, such as cigarette buds, paper towels, cotton swabs, tampons, diapers, or other such items.

Only human waste and toilet paper should go out of toilets, preventing clogs and leaks.

Things to avoid draining.

  • Grease oil or any other chemicals
  • Coffee beans
  • Eggshells
  • Sticky products like jelly or any such thing
  • Tampons or diapers
  • Cat’s litter
  • Paper towels or cotton swabs
  • Condoms
  • Rice, Pasta, or any such food items

Clean your faucets

Check your faucets, shower heads, or spigots for any leaks, corrosion, or damages, and try to clean them at least once a month.

If not cleaned on a frequent basis, it can cause blockage of water, or if the accumulated segment is there, it can reduce the water flow and eventually end up in leaks and damages.

And faulty faucets can result in leaks which can take your water and utility bill up to the sky if not treated timely.

Check your water heater

Accumulated sediments can bulk up at the bottom of the water heater and can easily hamper functionality.

A water heater is an essential appliance used by many households, and draining the water heater once or twice a year increases the appliance's longevity.

If sediments last longer than a certain amount of time, it can cause rust to take place inside the appliance and will be badly affected.

Besides regularly draining and cleaning the water heater, changing the anode rods every four to five years is also recommended.

Inspecting the leaks and damages is advised, and if you find your issues unrepairable, contact a professional plumbing service. You can now find a good Plumber in Houston with just a click.

Avoid chemicals

Chemicals are not just harmful to your health but also dangerous for your pipes. Using chemicals for drain cleaning can corrode your pipes over time.

Trying hands at homemade remedies is also a good choice if you find your drains clogged. Everyone knows the benefits of using baking soda and vinegar for drain cleaning and effecting clearing pipes.

Store-bought chemicals are more hectic and create much more significant issues after usage; instead, try home remedies, and even after that, if you are having a problem, turn towards professional help.

Consider a professional cleaning service

Some issues can not be fixed on your own and require professional help. Professional inspections will increase your drains and pipes' longevity while preventing sudden water and utility crises.

Trying to fix it yourself can sometimes create more problems. A professional plumber in houston has the ability to identify hidden problems and provide systematic and effective solutions for any upcoming problems.

Locate Your Main Water Valve

Many people do not know where their house's main water valve is, and when there's a burst pipe, a huge water leakage, or any such emergency, they cannot stop the water flow.

Knowing the location of your home’s water valve will help you in times of trouble; just close the valve and call for professional help. The main water valve is generally located near the area from where the water line starts for your home or near where your main water meter is located.


The 5 tips listed above will help you in critical times of plumbing damage and even help you detect a particular problem before happening.

Follow these tips to increase the longevity of your drains and pipes and save money and your mental peace at no cost.