Are you tired of feeling drained and unproductive at work? It might be time to evaluate the lighting in your office. Proper lighting significantly impacts productivity, mood, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the do’s and don’ts of choosing office illumination to help you stay motivated, focused, and energized throughout the day. From natural light to artificial lighting, we’ll cover everything you need to know to create an optimal work environment. Let’s get started!

What are the Main Do’s and Don’ts?


  • Go for LED Lights

LED lights have become a popular choice for office lighting due to their energy efficiency compared to fluorescent lights. Although they may be more expensive initially, they are likely to save a company money in the long term because they have a longer lifespan and don't waste energy as infrared radiation like fluorescent lights does.

  • Indirect and Task Lighting

For optimal illumination in your workspace, it is recommended to use a table lamp or focused lighting that directly illuminates your desk. LED lights are ideal as they emit 600 lumens, enough to reach the recommended 300 lux for work. Additionally, they have a warm-dim feature that can be adjusted to your preferred brightness. You can adjust the color temperature to match the lighting conditions outside to maintain consistent lighting.

  • Regulating Light Temperature

According to the article, the ideal lighting temperature for a home office is neutral white light, ideally around 4000K. Bright light with a high blue content can help prevent drowsiness, increase focus, and aid in staying alert. It is also suggested to use lighting with the same color tone as the materials used in the room's interior to make the scene look cohesive, which can help with concentration on work for extended periods.

  • Invest in Good Lighting

This year, more people are setting up offices and carefully designing their workspace to achieve the perfect balance of task, accent, ambient, and natural daylight. Each component is important for creating an optimal office setting, and individuals are investing time, money, and resources into its design.

  • Use Daylight As Much As Possible

Proper lighting in the workplace significantly impacts productivity, mood, and overall well-being. Natural light exposure is particularly important and has many benefits. Research shows that it can reduce eye strain, headaches, and blurred vision by 84%. It also regulates hormones and improves sleep quality, resulting in increased productivity during the day.

  • Install a Lighting Control System

A lighting control system can save energy in an office by regulating lighting in different areas. It ensures that areas that aren't in constant use, such as corridors, toilets, and meeting rooms, are only lit when they are needed. This is done through occupancy control sensors that switch off lights when areas are unoccupied. Additionally, dimmable control systems provide flexibility by allowing dimmer switches to be installed in meeting rooms where projectors are used. Window dressings, such as perforated blinds, can also be considered as lighting control systems since they maintain the view outside while directing sunlight onto the ceiling.

  • Use Lighting to Zone Different Areas

Lighting can be used to define areas in an open-plan office. Large pendant lights can hang above a big table for meetings. Spotlights can direct people to different areas. Low illumination can create privacy in booths or small nooks. Accent lighting in breakout areas and lounges can highlight shelves or plants with different colored bulbs and lampshades. Dimmer switches, standing lamps, and tabletop lamps can be added for people to control light levels and mood. Office lighting can complement office design and create a striking first impression.


  • Use of Overhead Spotlights

Overhead and downlights are not recommended for workspace lighting as they can cast uncomfortable shadows and cause glare. Instead, it is recommended to use ambient lighting and task lamp light that does not interrupt desk work.

  • Impractical Sources of Light

Use high-quality fixtures that are flicker-free and have low harmonic distortion to reduce eye strain. Traditional fluorescent indoor lights can be harmful and cause migraines, hindering productivity and workflow and leading to errors at work. Keep THD levels below 10% for a better work environment.

  • Improper Lighting

If lighting is not implemented correctly, it can make the workspace appear dim and dreary. Inadequate illumination can lead to eye strain and headaches and create a depressing environment to work in. This can be harmful to work as well as mental health, and therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to proper lighting in a work atmosphere.

  • Outdated Lighting Technology

When adhering to guidelines for modern commercial office lighting, it is suggested to avoid using outdated lighting technology. LED bulbs are a popular choice for modern commercial and residential lighting as they are more energy-efficient, less harsh, and have a longer lifespan.

  • Constant Brightness Levels

In commercial interiors and office buildings, varying the brightness levels of the lighting is crucial for the well-being of occupants who work long hours. Designing for human well-being is a fundamental principle of lighting design. Brighter light during the morning hours can boost energy and stimulate alertness, which leads to increased productivity and creativity. In the afternoon, dimmer light can help maintain focus without overstimulating employees.

  • Single Spectrum Lighting

When choosing lighting for commercial spaces, consider the correct spectrum for office work. Warm lighting promotes relaxation, while cool lighting stimulates alertness and helps workers concentrate. Modern LED fixtures can adjust the light spectrum to either cool or warm, allowing occupants to choose the right temperature for their needs.

  • Inefficient Usage

In large commercial buildings, lighting can consume a significant amount of energy, making it important to use energy-efficient lamps to reduce power consumption and costs. Fluorescent and LED bulbs are more cost-effective in the long run than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. Modern technology, such as motion sensors, timers, and lighting dimmers, can offer even more control over power costs.


Proper lighting is crucial for productivity, mood, and well-being in a workplace. Use LED lights, indirect and task lighting, and natural light as much as possible. Regulate light temperature, invest in good lighting, and install a light control system. Avoid overhead spotlights, impractical sources of light, and outdated lighting technology. Vary brightness levels and choose the correct spectrum for office work. By following these do's and don'ts, you can create a well-lit and productive workspace.