As homeowners, keeping your house strong and well-maintained for many years is essential. However, some home maintenance tasks may be less obvious and are often overlooked. For example, when was the latest time you called for a home plumbing inspection? Did you know that over 3,000 gallons of water are wasted yearly due to leaks not detected by your plumbing system? Thus, a comprehensive home plumbing inspection is essential to help homeowners see minor plumbing problems before they worsen, saving you money and inconvenience.

This article will further discuss the importance of plumbing inspection and when you need one.

Home Plumbing Inspection: What is it?

A plumbing inspection thoroughly examines and assesses your home’s entire plumbing system. These inspections are much more intricate and lengthier as the plumbing expert will conduct a more in-depth analysis of every part of your plumbing system.

The plumbing inspector will check the following systems and parts:

  • Sinks and faucets
  • Bathtubs and showers
  • Toilets
  • Outdoor and indoor plumbing pipes
  • Sewage lines and supply lines
  • Water heaters
  • Water filtration system
  • Drainage system

The primary goal of professional plumbing inspectors is to ensure everything operates as expected and meets the latest building codes.

Who can conduct a plumbing inspection?

Professional plumbers and licensed plumbing companies are the best and most preferred people who can properly inspect your home. They have the experience, expertise, and proper tools to complete the job and provide you with a comprehensive report about your plumbing system. You may also work with professional plumbers with emergency services so they can quickly get to your house during plumbing repairs and emergencies.

Why should you schedule a plumbing inspection?

Although homeowners can be attentive in checking their plumbing system for leaks and slow drains, professional plumbing inspectors are much more capable of understanding how your plumbing system works and detecting hard-to-spot problems. Here are among the main reasons why you may need a professional home plumbing inspection:

  • To avoid costly plumbing emergencies

Most homeowners don’t realize how stressful and expensive dealing with plumbing emergencies can be until such a time when they experience it themselves. According to Forbes, plumbing emergency repairs can cost anywhere from USD$450 to as high as USD$25,000, depending on the severity of the problem and the damage.

To avoid spending these hundreds of dollars, it’s better to be careful and let the professionals perform regular plumbing inspections to detect small problems early on and prevent them from worsening.

  • To protect your home

Minor problems like a clogged drain or leak may initially cause inconvenience to your daily chores. But when left undetected and overlooked long enough, these minor issues can cause water damage and potentially damage your home.

For example, a clogged drain from the sink or toilet can cause flooding inside your property, damaging your floors and walls. Meanwhile, leaking pipes from your kitchen sink can moisten the floor or walls, triggering mold growth. Thus, schedule regular home plumbing inspections to protect your home from these costly and damaging plumbing issues.

  • To buy a home

A home plumbing inspection is also necessary for to-be homeowners. Before you finalize your house purchase, you must call professional plumbing inspectors to check the overall plumbing system of your new home.

Otherwise, you might invest a lot on a property only to realize it comes with a series of costly and tedious plumbing issues requiring repairs. Thus, when investing in a property, particularly in older or decades-old houses, get a plumbing inspector to help you decide if that house is functional and worthy enough to be invested in.

  • To sell your home

On the flip side, a home plumbing inspection is required before you sell your home. Like yourself, other prospective buyers would also want to ensure they’re investing in a property with a functional plumbing system. Furthermore, a comprehensive plumbing inspection report from professional plumbers can be a helpful selling point for potential buyers. This report will prove that your home’s plumbing system is tip-top.

When do you need a home plumbing inspection?

As for when you need to call professionals for a home plumbing inspection, at least once or twice a year is recommended. However, various plumbing systems and problems may require different inspection needs. The following are some specifications as to when you might need a home plumbing inspection:

  • During the first occupancy

Before moving into your new house, you must schedule a home plumbing inspection. This will help you determine if the previous owners were careful with their plumbing maintenance. This will also reveal potential plumbing issues that might cost a lot when left unrepaired.

  • Regularly (monthly, annually, biannually)

All types of plumbing systems can benefit from regular inspections, but the regularity of the inspection depends on certain factors, like:

  • The age of your home: The lifespan of plumbing components may vary. For example, cast iron drain lines can last 75 to 100 years, while polyvinyl chloride (PVC) drain lines have at least 100 or even infinite years of lifespan since they’re non-corrosive. Still, their lifespans vary depending on the homeowners’ maintenance habits and the house's age. Aging homes will need more frequent plumbing inspections than new ones because some of the components making up their plumbing system will eventually deteriorate and break down in time.
  • The presence of trees: If trees surround your home, there’s a risk that their roots can penetrate and damage your plumbing system and its pipes. Thus, regular plumbing inspection is necessary to ensure your pipes are safe from growing roots.
  • The number of occupants or users in the house: Plumbing systems that are heavily used daily are more likely to experience breakdowns and minor damages than infrequently used systems. So, if your household has many occupants, it may be best to have your plumbing system regularly checked for any sign of wear and tear.
  • If you suspect a problem

Ultimately, the best time to call a professional for a home plumbing inspection is when you suspect a problem. Here are signs that may signify a plumbing problem:

  • Weird sounds from the plumbing pipes
  • Unexplained increase in water bills
  • Smelly or discolored water
  • Unexplained low water pressure

When experiencing such a case, calling for a plumbing inspection can help detect and diagnose the problem so the plumbers can fix it before it worsens.

Key Takeaway

Overall, through regular home plumbing inspection, you can ensure your plumbing system is functional for a long time. Although some minor plumbing issues can be solved independently, you’ll have better peace of mind when the professionals do the comprehensive plumbing inspection for you.

They can catch on issues you might miss and have the tools and experience to fix them immediately before they flare up. So, find the best plumbing company and let them be your partner in keeping your home plumbing system in its tip-top shape.